Flair, lawsuit happy as ever! Photo Credit: WWE.com |
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week!
Self-Shilling:- Me, Butch Rosser and Ken Borsuk get silly and fantasy cast a WWE Films remake of
Blazing Saddles, among other things, on the podcast this week. [
Episode 17: Mellow Goldust]
- Why
do we care about ratings? My latest Fair to Flair piece [
Why Do We Care About Ratings?]
- Calling Impact to the carpet for their lack of action concerning a true drug policy. Latest Camel Clutch Blog piece. [
TNA Impact Needs to Do More than Just Fire Matt Hardy]
Wrestling Links:- Shane Ryan writes a long history of the decline of Ric Flair. In response to this, Flair is attempting to file a lawsuit. America! [
- We Watch Wrestling on why they watch wrestling. [
We Watch Wrestling]
- Razor's Super Smackdown running blog [
Kick-Out!! Wrestling]
- And hey, his running RAW blog too! [
Kick-Out!! Wrestling]
- Best and Worst of RAW for this week, including the best description of a dirtsheet ever. [
With Leather]
- Jeff Peck argues it's time to end brand extension permanently [
Camel Clutch Blog]
- A return of the New World Order? Editorial note: Jeez, I really fucking hope not. Let it die. [
Cageside Seats]
- A treatise on the nWo music. [
International Object BONUS PODCAST:
Int'l Object, Ep. 30 w/ David Shoemaker]
- Jason Mann discusses his quest to discover the essential WWE matches from 2011 thus far. [
- Lioness Asuka, in her own words. [
Dirty Dirty Sheets]
- Speaking of fantasy casting movies with wrestlers... [
Unreality Mag]
- Tara talks about a bunch of stuff. [
Diva Dirt]
- Becky Bayless talks about her departure from Impact [
I Want Wrestling]
- Speaking of Impact, why Vince McMahon NEEDS to buy the company. It's not for the reason you might assume someone would urge the man to buy his "competition". [
The Smoking Section]
- The newest Sin Cara? [
Tom Watches Wrestling]
- Thoughts on the lucha candidates for the WON Hall of Fame [
- Your obligatory Hulk Hogan parody porn post [
Kentucky Fried Rasslin]
- Flashing back to 1981 AWA, Nick Bockwinkel being awarded the World Title [
South Atlanta Wrestling]
- Wrestling memories of the Hart Foundation [
Wrestle Guy Blog]
- ROH Tag Team Turmoil DVD review [
The Harrison Analysis]
Jamie Dobson Interviews:-
Kekoa the Flying HawaiianNon-Wrestling Links:- Don Cheadle is CAPTAIN PLANET in this Funny or Die video. It's way better than the crappy cartoon was. [
Funny or Die]
- The Phillies produce an "It Gets Better" video. I like that MLB is getting in on this. Diffuse the bullying by setting an example for the stereotypical bullies. [
The Fightins]
- What the Phillies and Rays learned about BABIP. Hint, it's a statistic, not a delicious Asian treat served in stone pots. [
Crashburn Alley]
- Why do the Angels keep winning? [
Grantland Network Ep. 1]
- Castro and Plichter eat at the best pizza joint in Philly, Tacconnelli's. I co-sign their review 100000000 percent. It's that good. [
- The annoying things your co-workers do while eating lunch. [
- The candy of the literary world. Someone alert KSP! [
- A nice recipe for chicken spring rolls, with pictures! [
- That new
Pioneer Woman show in Food Network is just as awful as it sounds. [
Food Network Humor]
- How you can tell the weather from the forecast. Sounds about right. [
The Oatmeal]
- Matt Ufford is going to dress up as Tobias Fünke and do a hellish workout for charity. Donate! Donate! And donate some more! [
Kissing Suzy Kolber]
- An ode to the most thankless job in fantasy football - commissioner. [
The Go Route]
- Like the Dugout? Wish they did one for the NFL? Well, wish granted. Presenting Football Guys. [
SB Nation]
- Does it matter if Michael Vick is white or black? [
Wide Left]
- Stuck on whom you should root for? Justin Henry's got a primer just for you. [
Camel Clutch Blog]
- It's never too early for a mock draft, is it? [
Huge Upside]
- The 10 most useless women in video game history. [
- In this link, a girl who cosplays as the far-from-useless characters from the Zelda series. [
Unreality Mag]
- The Department of Defense actually spends money on something called a "spiritual fitness" test? No, but let's not cut spending anywhere, ever. [
Huffington Post]
- It's official, Texas A&M is gone from the Big 12. [
Dr. Saturday]
- Some STONE COLD LOCKS for the upcoming college football season. [
Your Best 11]
- Hey, football is starting up again. That means SHOVE IT about conference realignment. [
Campus Union]
- Having the dog that wouldn't leave the side of the casket of his former owner who was killed in action in Iraq leading the football team onto the field? Someone tell U of Iowa that this needs to happen, like now. [
With Leather]
- Hurricane Irene? Stop this college football game? I SAY THEE NAY. [
Every Day Should Be Saturday]
- Drew Magary did a live Funbag yesterday. TWB superfan TheRick711 got a question answered for it too! [
- Mad Libs for pro football [
Sports Pickle]
- Bruce Dickinson flying people out of NYC stranded by Irene? As if the Iron Maiden frontman couldn't get any cooler... [
- 10 bands who overcame questionable debuts. Sort of the opposite of bands like Creed (fuck you,
My Own Prison was pretty good). [
Flavor Wire]
- Tupac's entourage smoked his ashes... or did they? BECAUSE TUPAC'S NOT DEAD [
- "Space Oddity" as a children's book... beautifully depressing. [
Badass Digest]
- Monta Ellis, the poster child for the misunderstood "scorer" [
Court Vision]
- Angels and demons beloved by nerds. Not listed? The Dan Brown novel. [
Topless Robot]
- 4 accidental sequels to 80s movies [
Badass Digest]">Cracked]
- Lil' Wayne, absurd lyrics? Nah, can't be. [
The Smoking Section]
- This week in movie posters. [
Film Drunk]
- Perspective: u has none [
Buzz Feed]
- Two chatbots arguing with each other. Are both their arguments invalid, or just yours? [
Gamma Squad]
- Science... ruining supervillainy since 1543 [
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]
- The very definition of "butterface" [
Skull Swap]
- Will the NHL ever relocate into Kansas City? [
Puck Daddy]
- I told you the dog was going to take over your room [
Imgur Gallery]
- Nancy Grace on Dancing with the Stars. So's Ron Artest. Can we take up a collection for Artest's bail so he can elbow the shit out of the shrill young white girl murder exploitation expert? [
Warming Glow]